
210:3500 30.0

20 1300 10001

curls in a paper bag

float freely through fingers

how long since clenched

in passions disarray

maribeth camp



We reach the crossroads

exhausted and frightened

knowing what the sign posts read

With smiling tears

we embrace embracing mystery

caressing clarity holding on to faith

holding on to our selves

but not clinging to each other

slowly, reluctantly

we begin walking different paths following inner maps

instead of

each other's


Virgie Small

My sister, My Friend,

I know you.

I know your fears,

your weakness,

Your burdens, your downs, Your smiles, your caring

Your wisdom, your strength.

But most of all

I know your friendship.

You have shared your soul with me.

I love you.

Across the street

the wind blew hard. So, I invited you over

to the other side,

hoping that I would finally

have the chance

to get to know you better. But you refused to cross over, And continued walking through the storm you created to keep me away.


There are icicles hanging heavy. from the rooftop of this house: What I want to do is to smash them with a shovel

to break


their cold sharpness: Maybe I might

find the place

where tearsaare

still warm.

Two figures diminish down

the snowy street.

The sky light

blue fades through yellow

to pink above the street.

Carol Vlack


of silence

the night wind

closes my eyes and

rubs fresh fingers across my face.

i think of you often

womanlove (rs)

sounds of your steps

up the cellar stairs

emerging from the basement

in the mornings

still drowsy with sleep

lovemaking on your breath

on your bodies

aura of smells and warmth enveloped you then

it wasn't the words we spoke

or the things we did together

that have stayed with/in me these years

but the touch of your closeness and

womandepth of your loving

that have become for me

a time worn mirror

into which I've often looked

seeking my reflection there

---from Sing a Battle Song

by Women in the Weather Underground

page/What She Wants May, 1975

Mary Davis

For L.

Many times

We have talked, laughed, shared.

A flash of recognition in your eyes Told me

Whether you smile in agreement

Or wrinkle your brow in disagreement

That you never question

to speak up, to explore

what I think.

me, or my right

There is the warmth of sisterhood

And the keen eye of politics,


---from Sing a Battle Song

by Women in the Weather Underground